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Board of Education Meeting Highlights - May 9, 2023

An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit

Five-Year Strategic Plan Approved

Superintendent Trish Smillie presented the final School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) Strategic Plan 2024-2029 to the Board who approved it for implementation. Accompanying the plan is a video documenting the engagement journey and SD8’s new mission and strategic priorities. The Board thanked Mount Sentinel Secondary School Academy PM students and teacher Jacy Schindel who produced the video. The strategic plan is a high-level roadmap for the district and comes into effect on July 1. 

2023-2024 Budget Approved

Superintendent Trish Smillie welcomed consultant Jeanette Hanlon who presented the 2023-2024 Budget to the Board who approved it for implementation on July 1. The budget for the next school year is $81.6 million. The Ministry of Education and Child Care has increased funding for the 2023-2024 school year. The budget reflects the priorities of the new five-year strategic plan, allows for IT funding, equity funding for outdoor and Indigenous learning, promotes inclusion and celebrates diversity, and food equity.

Five-Year Capital Plan Approved

Interim Secretary-Treasurer Cathy MacArthur and Director of Operations Chris Kerr presented information about the Five-Year Capital Plan to the Board who approved it for implementation July 1. Funding for public school buildings and structural improvements is shared between the provincial government and boards of education. A balanced approach is taken to ensure that different geographic areas get equal consideration for funding. 

Career Development Continuous Learning Report

Director of Instruction – Innovative Learning Ben Eaton and District Principal Secondary and Innovative Learning Tamara Maloff presented the Career Development Continuous Learning Report to the Board for review. Career Development is one of the key learning goals in the BC Education system and a priority in the new School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) Strategic Plan 2024-2029

International Education Annual Report

District Principal – International Education Paul Luck presented the International Education Annual Report to the Board for review. SD8’s Kootenay Lake International Program (KLIP) fosters social, cultural, and economic benefits for SD8 and the region, offering international students varied opportunities to participate in the educational and social environment of district schools. 

Policy Changes

Policies approved for field testing:

  • Policy 771: Transportation for Independent School Students

Policies Rescinded: 

  • Policy 220: Maintenance of Order no longer applies as it is of operational nature and covered by Administrative Procedure AP 220.1.
  • Policy 250: Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Devices no longer applies due to changes in legislation.
  • Policy 260: Scent Free Environment is of operational matter and covered by AP 260.1

The following policies were rescinded and amalgamated in the new Policy 170: Human Resources (operational sections will be covered by administrative procedures to ensure no information is lost):

  • Policy 510: Employee Recognition
  • Policy 520: Human Resources Employment Practices
  • Policy 521: Relocation Assistance for Senior Management
  • Policy 530: Public Interest Disclosure
  • Policy 540: Supervisory Conflict of Interest
  • Policy 550: Non-Contractual Leaves of Absence
  • Policy 560: Appointment of Principals and Vice-Principals
  • Policy 570: Prevention of Violence in the Workplace
  • Policy 580: Respectful Workplace

All policies are available on our website.

Student Trustee Updates

Student Trustee Patton Gatto-Beebe, Kootenay River Secondary School: Creston is experiencing spring green-up as well as freshet. Soccer teams are getting back into action, and grads are working hard on their Capstone projects due in a couple of weeks.  

Student Trustee Riordan Fisher, L.V. Rogers Secondary School: LVR students anticipate a smooth transition in the school’s administration on August 1. Vice-Principal Danielle Klassen will move to Trafalgar Middle School and new Vice-Principal Roman Wyllie, who currently works in SD69 – Qualicum, will arrive to become vice-principal at LVR. Students attended Start the Conversation, a mental health assembly on May 11 with speakers from all over the Kootenays as well as speakers from The Foundry and guest speaker Victoria Maxwell. Students are getting ready for a grad talent show fundraiser and a flower fundraiser for the Arts department. Capstone projects are underway as well as district Dogwood scholarship presentations. 

These highlights exclude confidential information such as business negotiations, personnel issues and legal matters. For other information or to provide feedback, please contact our Public Engagement Manager at 250-505-7005 or