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Wandering Among the Wildflowers


February has been a busy month here at Wildflower. Classes have been venturing outdoors to explore the winter world around us, and though they haven't found much winter weather, they have still found immersive learning experience and good times. 

A lot has happened here at Wildflower since I last made a post, and today I want to focus on a highlight of the month for me. Every second Thursday of the month, we gather together as a whole school in the gym for our whole school assembly. This is an opportunity for us to connect, give thanks, and also to share our learning. 

This month we were honored to have Krista's class host our assembly. They set up the tech for the assembly and also introduced the various classes. I was impressed by their confidence and their leadership. Jax started us off by doing a territorial acknowledgement assisted by our indigenous support teacher, Bailey. The first class they brought up were the seedlings who presented their learning on space. We were blown away by their knowledge and their physical manifestation of orbits. Next up was Emily's class who presented their creative writing and drawing about the creatures that they created. This was followed by Krista's class who took a break from their hosting to provide a demonstration of an activity on privilege that they had done in their class. After that I took the opportunity to read one of my favorite books, Maybe written by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Gabriella Barouch. We closed the assembly with Cole leading us in two songs.

I have been witness to many assemblies, but I don't know if I have experienced assemblies as honest and open as those hosted at Wildflower. I am so appreciative of being the principal here and being able to spend my days wandering among the Wildflowers.

